As I see visions thru my camera lens, so will I capture them
and post here to unfold for your viewing pleasure.

You will not find my thoughts here via the written word.
Instead I will leave it to you, the visitor,
to interpret and reflect upon your own thoughts.

All photos are clickable for enlargement

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Even as the fragrance and petals of these roses fade, they still enchant us with their everlasting beauty.



kayellen said...

So pretty Toni!

I enjoy taking photos like you do..seeing the unexpected shot... be my favorite!
Or seeing something I never noticed before...I love that too:)

Have a wonderful weekend..I hoping mine is simple...still recovering from all the busy grad excitement at beginning of my week.

Take Care,

Beverly said...

Toni, this is just lovely.

Thank you for visiting my blog and Pink Saturday. Please e-mail me so I can send you some information about participating.

O.t. Manary said...

Toni, my friend,

So nice and pretty all these photos...

You see, you have a lot of beautiful flower around you too!!! Wonderful! NICE JOB!!!

Thanks for being faithful visitor on my Blog.

God bless you.


O.t. Manary said...

Hey Toni,

Passing by to see your wonderful job and your beautiful blog.

I hope everything is doing fine with all of you guys.

God bless you.
