As I see visions thru my camera lens, so will I capture them
and post here to unfold for your viewing pleasure.

You will not find my thoughts here via the written word.
Instead I will leave it to you, the visitor,
to interpret and reflect upon your own thoughts.

All photos are clickable for enlargement

Friday, May 29, 2009

Window shopping in Europe...

Bavarian dressed mannequins in Munich

Haute couture in Paris

Mozart chocolates in Salzburg

Venetian carnival masks in Venice



kayellen said...

How fun!!!I loved each shot:)

Before I was an Interior designer I was a fashion stylist...did window display and dressed mannequins for May Company...Now know as Macy's:)

Thanks for sharing!!!

Have a great weekend:)


icandy... said...

Such beautiful photographs! You have an amazing talent! :)

O.t. Manary said...

Hey There Toni,

As usual, your blog is WONDERFUL...
Nice job.... Really gorgeous....

As I promised to you, I had added some pictures of the flowers, even though I do have a bunch of them. But I am thinking to create another Blog just for NATURE photography.

I hope everything is doing OK with you....

God bless you...

O.t. Manary said...

Toni, my Sister & Friend,

I really appreciate your faithful visit to my Blog, and your lovely comments. It is so nice to have such a wonderful friend like you that is more just than a friend, because we serve the same Lord and Savior, so it is wonderful to glorify His Name, showing the beauty of His creation through photography. That’s what we both do through our Blogs.

Again Dear Friend, thank you so very much for your visit. As I promised you, I will make a post later talking about what had happened with my pictures, and I will pass what I’ve learned with all this.

Praises be to the Lord! Psalm 147:

7 Sing out your thanks to the LORD;
sing praises to our God with a harp.
8 He covers the heavens with clouds,
provides rain for the earth,
and makes the grass grow in mountain pastures.
9 He gives food to the wild animals
and feeds the young ravens when they cry.
10 He takes no pleasure in the strength of a horse
or in human might.
11 No, the LORD’s delight is in those who fear him,
those who put their hope in his unfailing love.

God bless you!

O.t. Manary