As I see visions thru my camera lens, so will I capture them
and post here to unfold for your viewing pleasure.

You will not find my thoughts here via the written word.
Instead I will leave it to you, the visitor,
to interpret and reflect upon your own thoughts.

All photos are clickable for enlargement

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My purple front door...Welcome!


1 comment:

O.t. Manary said...

Hey there Toni....

First THANK YOU SO MUCH for your visiting and for your kindness words on my blog. Your comment just comes to burst more and more our inspirations to keep on going with this awesome project of picturing life, because that's what it is.

Don't worry about the comment I did in your blog and accidentally you deleted it, 'cause I will visit your precious space more often, OK?

By the way, what a wonderful and NICE job you've done in your blog and on all these pictures!!!! CONGRATULATION!!!

May the Lord God Almighty bless you and your family....