As I see visions thru my camera lens, so will I capture them
and post here to unfold for your viewing pleasure.

You will not find my thoughts here via the written word.
Instead I will leave it to you, the visitor,
to interpret and reflect upon your own thoughts.

All photos are clickable for enlargement

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Remembering those who gave the ultimate sacrifice...


Ruth Welter said...

Hi Toni, Thanks for your visit and kind words. I've just been leafing through your photos on this blog....they are truly beautiful and inspirational.

I've enjoyed my nice to meet you.


O.t. Manary said...

Hi there Toni,

Night of Memorial Day, and I came by to see all of your beautiful pictures... As you know: I love them all.

I hope you had had a wonderful holiday. God bless you, and may He keep you inspired to bring to us all these inspiration through photography... I am your brother in Christ, and I serve my Lord Jesus Christ at Mount Paran Church of God, with Dr. David Cooper.
